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Stoney River
River Stones

Crescenta Valley is home to a diverse array of religious and spiritual organizations, representing a broad spectrum of beliefs —some of which might surprise you!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Nestled in the foothills at the top of Pennsylvania Ave is the Ananda Ashrama, a spiritual retreat grounded in universalism. As Swami Paramananda, the founder, once said:“My idea is not to bring here a Hindu creed or a Christian creed or a Buddhist creed, but to take the best out of all and embody the universal aspect of all. That is my dream.”

Orange Wall
Synagogue Stained Glass
Synagogue Stained Glass

While the area does not currently host synagogues or mosques, both can be found directly next door in both Glendale & Pasadena. CV is however home to the Center for Spiritual Living, offering teachings rooted in metaphysical thought.

Christianity is represented in many forms, with churches spanning Catholic and Protestant traditions, and services available in English, Armenian, and Korean.

Silhouette of Cross Against Sky
Free Range Chicken Farm

Crescenta Valley’s diversity extends to lesser-known practices as well. A community of Santería practitioners is known to gather in the nearby forests to perform rituals, including animal sacrifices under the moonlight—a tradition rooted in Afro-Caribbean spirituality.

On Honolulu Blvd, you’ll find both a Church of Scientology and a Christian Science Reading Room, highlighting the area’s openness to unique belief systems.

Solar Eclipse
Meditating at Home
Meditating on Bed

Meditation centers also dot the valley, offering a place for introspection and mindfulness—often for those willing to invest in their spiritual retreat.

For those intrigued by mystique, a few Masonic Lodges operate quietly in the area, preserving their age-old secrets and rituals. And for those whose religious preference is N/A, you may find comfort in joining the local chapter of Atheists United.

Man with Suit
Night Skies
Earth and Space

Crescenta Valley is a place where spirituality and tradition intersect, offering residents and visitors a glimpse into a rich tapestry of belief systems and cultures.

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