Everyone loves food trucks! And when you get a bunch of them together it’s a community party!
We can’t gather until Covid regulations are lifted but we are actively working on organizing an event for the late summer / early fall. How can you lend some people power? Easy!
Have a favorite food truck? Recommend them!
Know someone who owns a food truck? Connect them with The Balcony!
Do you own a party or event business? Photo booth? Music DJ? Do you own a drone? Let’s get some footage of the party for Instagram! Whatever you do, reach out and let’s collaborate!
A very easy way to help is to kick in a few bucks for the permit! Click the button below and toss a few coins into the bowl. The Balcony is a non-profit so the books are open! 20,000 of us live here. Don’t underestimate the power of giving your single dollar!
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